All right, this is no longer a brand new, never-before-seen, one-of-a-kind, truly unique, web site full of good reading, simply because it is no longer brand new. And the eclectic pictorial assortment of turned wood heirlooms needs some fervent attention, which I have been derelict in providing. But I'm likely to get around to it, in due course. (Be advised that my life is filled with many courses.) The course my life haa recently taken is one of paralysis, due to a fall from a ladder. There is no way of telling how permanent this condition may be.
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John Styer,
The Lathe-Meister

For the under-initiated, a lathe is an instrument to which you can attach a piece of wood and give it a whirl. Belt driven by a motor, it causes the wood to spin wildly. In fact, that's part of the initiation process. In short order, one learns to appreciate rapid spinning, much more than wild spinning. By applying a sharp tool to the wood, while it is rapidly spinning, usually anywhere from a couple hundred rpm to 3-4,000 rpm, the wood can be shaped into myriad designs.

The shows that haven't been cancelled due to pandemic, are cancelled by me pending recovery of my ability to walk and stand. (See the latest news.)

Lots of inventory lovingly boxed up, awaiting your interest in specific pieces which can be sent directly to you!
